Diet against gout

diet rules for gout

In order to achieve an immediate therapeutic effect, patients such as gout, dieticians prescribe a special diet food. From medical practice onwards, there are many cases where a patient has achieved a positive therapeutic result in case of kidney or joint damage due to a strict diet. This is explained by the fact that the diet of this disease contributes to the reduction of the production of purines of exogenous origin

Compliance with a strict diet of gout affecting the joints of the legs is not determined at all by strict fasting, either during its recurrent periodic attacks or during the period between them. You need to choose exactly the foods that are vital to the patient, which is an important point of treatment.

Gout should consume a specific diet to stabilize uric acid levels. Anyone can accidentally experience an increase in a parameter during a routine scan. In this case, you need to follow the diet in your diet. This approach to preparing the patient's menu leads to a significant reduction in the likelihood of recurrence of the disease attack, making it possible to prevent the cumbersome deposition of purines, namely significant amounts of their compounds in organs and tissues.

Basic Principles of Nutritional Therapy for Gout

A gout patient should eat systematically, dividing the total daily dose of food into at least 4 meals. This helps to stop the saturation of the blood serum with purine bases. In any case, it is not recommended to overeat the gout, otherwise it is possible for the patient to gain weight, which negatively affects the joints while moving. But starvation should not be allowed either. Obese people should be gradually reduced in weight, but not more than 2 kg per month.

A gout patient should be treated for approx. You should consume 2 liters of water during remission and at least 3 liters of water if the disease gets worse. It should be borne in mind that the use of mineral water containing alkali has a beneficial effect on the removal of urate from the patient's body.

Prohibited foods for gout

It is very important to choose the right diet for the gout patient. The amount of products that contain many purine bases should be minimized. These are:

  • made from meat, fish and mushrooms (the purines in them are in an easily digestible form);
  • lungs and brain, liver and kidney of viscera;
  • meat-based sauces and preserves;
  • animal fats;
  • garden plants from beans and peas, beans and lentils, soybeans from the legume family;
  • smoked meats, all kinds of sausages.

There are foods that affect the body's acidity. To prevent a sudden increase in tissue acidity, you should also exclude foods such as:

  • spices, mustard, pepper, horseradish;
  • vegetable-based sauces;
  • spinach, fresh herbs, sorrel;
  • with salted fish and various foods;
  • alcoholic beverages (especially wine and beer);
  • products containing significant amounts of butter and cocoa;
  • salty and spicy cheeses.

Patients should be restricted in their intake of table salt and fat to prevent urea from accumulating in the tissues.

Under no circumstances should you eat fried foods due to gout.

List of foods allowed for gout

Purine bases are found in low amounts in milk, Swiss cheese, chicken eggs, bread, caviar, nuts and hazelnuts. You can eat millet and carrots, pearls of barley and buckwheat. During the diet, you can eat a small portion of fish or meat, which is prepared by baking or cooking once a week.

Increasing the amount of fluid you drink helps the patient get rid of uric acid compounds. In this case, you should only use purified or boiled water.

It is imperative to reduce the nutritional level of foods consumed by patients with gout. Concomitant obesity, in particular. With this disease, you can also include small amounts of tomatoes in your diet. Of the condiments, it is recommended to use only bay leaves to make dietetic dishes.

Fruits and vegetables are very useful for gout, but only in raw form. Sometimes the patient needs fasting days. However, it is recommended to drink only fruit and vegetable juices during the day, and the use of ascorbic acid should also be included.

Gout fasting

As this unpleasant disease gets worse, some patients decide on treatment on an empty stomach on their own to cleanse their bodies of excess purines. But this dietary decision is completely unreasonable. With this practice, the general condition of the patient deteriorates sharply. During starvation, food stops in the body, making it impossible to meet energy needs, resulting in the consumption of its own reserves. In this case, the most available material is protein compounds. Therefore, at the beginning of starvation, the level of uric acid in the blood serum increases rapidly and is deposited in the synovial membrane of the diseased joints as well as in the tissues of the human body. It all ends with a worsening of gout.

The following also occurs. Significant acid salt deposits accumulate in the synovium of the joints. In parallel with this process, urates penetrate the glomeruli of the patient’s renal tubules, contributing to the appearance of an acute form of a disease such as gouty nephropathy.